Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thorne Family: The Sneak

I hate 6:15 in the morning. I loath my alarm with the very center of my core. Sure, I like the fact that I can accomplish a lot in a day but I'd much rather accomplish that same "a lot" by staying up until the wee hours of the morning. I'm a night owl. So when that alarm goes off declaring to all my horror that "sorry but you've got to get your squishy behind out of bed and go to work". I throw a fit. Well, internally at least. Andrew would tell you that I get up fine in the morning. But I know better. I know the internal argument that goes on every morning trying to squeeze as many more minutes of sleep in as possible. Cause really, this is what's going on in my head every morning... But there are a few things that help me get focused and going in the morning. One is coffee...that is, if I woke up in enough time to drink some before heading to work where I then drink some more. Second is my radio. Now, I usually flip back and forth between Kidd Kraddick in the Morning and Psalm 911 WPSM. Lately I've been having such a difficult time finding a servant like heart on my drive to work, that I tend to settle in on WPSM or my favorite Bethany Dillon CD (which HOLA! she's coming out with a new one any day now and I WILL have a post about her inspiration). But I digress.

I had the opportunity to shoot the Thorne Family a few weeks ago. Why did I talk about my mourning routine (and no, I didnt spell it wrong by accident...I MOURN leaving the warm fluffiness of the pillows and blankets)? Well, the Jessica Thorne is none other that Jessica from Wake Up with Drew and Jessica and The Mom Moment! How cool is that!? Andrew and I met up with her and her family and spent the early evening chasing around their kids and getting some great shots! It was funny, I'd never seen a picture of Jessica before so it was interesting trying to keep an eye out for her while we waited at Baytowne for them. When she did walk up to us, I'm not going to lie, my jaw dropped to the ground. SHE IS GORGEOUS! And whether or not that's strange to say, I'm going to say it. I have some gorgeous clients! I kept staring at her (which Jessica, I hope that wasnt obvious or uber creepy!) and she and her husband have some beautiful children! Jessica kept saying how she would be happy with just ONE good shot...well Jessica, I'm 100% certain we captured WAY more than you just ONE good shot!

Enjoy the sneak...cause I'm sure I'll be posting more favorites soon. But so far, these are my favorites and I just couldnt bear to leave them sitting in Lightroom any longer!

Dwell in Possibility...







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