Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jello Sadness

You know how everyone seems to have the same new years resolution? Everyone seem to say something along the lines of eat healthy, be healthier, work out more, lose weight, etc. Usually, I dont say anything like that. Until this year...

I'm tired of not liking my body. I'm tired of seeing all the wrong with my body and none of the good. I want to stop wining about what I dont like about myself. I want to give Andrew a break from my constant "I hate my legs" type comments. So this year, I joined the masses in saying I'm changing that. I have no idea how long it's going to take or if it will work but it's on. I'm working out doing at least 45 minutes of cardio 4 days a week. I contacted a personal trainer and have a consult with her next week. I would love to lose 10 pounds...but ideally, I want to just like my body. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin and I want to see myself in the mirror and not tear myself apart.

Last Friday started a new year. A new year for our business and a new year for my self esteem. Friday marks the first day of grocery shopping under our "minimalist" dieting plan. We want to eat foods such as fruits, vegetables, chicken and fish, foods without cheeses or heavy creams or even lots of sauce. Andrew and I are really looking forward to Friday. And hopefully by the end of the month we will begin to see some sort of results.

I bought these 60 calorie Jello cups. They were dark chocolate and had no sugar and were super healthy. Since I decided I was cutting out the candy and deserts for January, I thought these would be a nice alternative whenever I had a sweet tooth. However! I put a spoonful of the deliciousness in my mouth, swallowed, then stopped. I never checked the ingredients. Rolling my eyes, I went back to kitchen to conduct my usual check for nut products. Yadda yadda...hydrogenated vegetable oil....yadda yadda...AND hydrogenated coconut oil. DANG IT! No happy little Jello cups of dark chocolate for me.

As Andrew looks over my shoulder, he asks "why are you writing about Jello". To be honest, I have no clue...

Dwell in Possibility...


  1. Hope you had your epi pen handy ;) you know those jello cups... always out to get you!

    (we have an alergy bond.... after NOLA I owe you my life ;) )

    Love ya girl! Hope we can hang out soon!

  2. LOL. Cassie you crack me up! :D I hope you feel better and you don't get attacked by the allergy monster anymore! :)
    PS- i'm right there with you about feeling better about yourself. :)
