Monday, April 5, 2010

Backyard Dreams

For so long, owning a home seemed this unattainable thing. And then, once we purchased our first home, the list of things I wanted to fix or change or add to, they just kept piling. Go figure right? I'm told that the list never goes away. But oddly enough, I love being able to check things off that list.

Andrew took a few days off this week so from Thursday to Saturday, we tackled our backyard list. The downer of living in Florida is that the majority of your grass is in fact, sand and weeds. So, after numerous trips to Home Depot and $600 later, our backyard is starting to shape up. Hopefully by the end of next weekend I'll have some pictures. I'm getting all these comments on Facebook asking to see photos of our home...but, you see, I have this problem - I cant show photos of unfinished work. It bothers me to have people come into our house when it's not done. I find myself excusing it by saying "this room's not done, this room will still have all this shelving added, the office doesnt have any of the new furniture, our living room is still waiting on the new couch, I'm painting my piano red, we're mounting the tv"....and on and on it goes.

But today, as Andrew and I begin a new week, suffering from allergies from being outside kicking up dirt and weeds for the past three days, I'm having to force myself to slow down. The busy season is beginning and I dont want to lose sight of things.

I have twelve gardenia bushes and trees in our new probably wouldnt shock you to know they're my favorite flowers. The first gardenia bloomed last night; and oddly, I plucked it. Normally I let them bloom but this one, I wanted it at my desk to remind me to remember to slow down and enjoy every moment. So as the overwhelming scent floats through my office, and I work feverishly away, I'm going to slow down. I'm going to enjoy life.


Dwell in Possibility...

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful picture!! This actually makes we want to stop and smell the flowers. Love it! =)

