Her first thought: "Seriously, I mean, he wears Timberland!" She rolled her eyes listening as her friends gushed about how cute he was and how they should go out. Any of you girls out there know that if a group of your closest girlfriends are trying to get you together with someone, you're probably not going to able to say no for very long. As their first date came to a close and the credits for Casper began to roll, Wes leaned over to Cathleen and ever so sweetly asked if she would be his girl. Little did she know, she said yes to the ying to her yang.
Nearly seven years later, Wes began to prepare for the most romantic, most beautiful way to ask his girl if she would be his forever. Try as he might, he couldnt come up with the perfect proposal. He hid away the gorgeous ring in a packet of gum in his pocket so he would always have it with him. In Wes' own words "I'd had enough; romance was not in my repertoire!" Wes walked with a purpose into Cathleen's room where she happened to be taking a timed online test. He kissed her, told her that her breath smelled and offered her the packet of gum. Instead of finding the ring, Cathleen took a piece of gum and stared intently at her computer screen finishing her test. Wes couldnt handle the tension a moment longer. After seven years, he truly wanted this girl. "You idiot! Do you want this or what!"

Cathleen loves to travel. It was so adorable to watch her show Wesley all the places she wanted to go and all the places she had been. More than once there was a hint hint nudge nudge moment when it came to a "later in life I want to go to..." I seriously think that I may have to go to a travel agent now just to get some inspiration for where I want to go!

I'm gonna go ahead and say it. Cat, you have an incredible smile! It's hard not to smile looking at yours!

Dwell in Possibility...
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