There have been a handful of jumping for joy moments these past few days. (Oooooookay so *edit* I'm glad I just re-read this because I just wrote "humping for joy" instead of JUMPING for joy. Eeeeeeeh my bad! But it made for a much needed laugh.) It started when I went to the Photographers Lunch at Red Brick Pizza. I'm not going to lie, I was INSANELY nervous. I'd never been to one of these lunches before and desperately wanted to belong, learn, and be liked. I felt horribly out of place and under qualified until this amazing chick named Sarah who works with Pure7Studios as their second shooter. This girl made me feel amazing, which is saying alot. She was so interested in everything I said. She was warm and genuine. So Sarah, if you're reading this blog, thank you for making this photographer who felt extremely nervous and out of place, feel at ease and interesting. And Amy, with Elements Photography, thank you for offering to help me learn and for pushing me to purchase these great new presets for helping edit my pics. So...back to my jumps for joy. I left this lunch feeling like Dorothy ready to skip down the yellow brick road towards her Emerald City. My second happy dance moment came via the wonderful world of Twitter.
Carlie Renee and her husband Gabriel Ryan work together with Gabriel Ryan Photography. I found them via Jasmine Star's Blog (which yes, I will admit, I read religiously) Carlie and Gabriel are expecting a little baby and after reading their blog, I felt like I knew them a bit...even if it was just a tiny bit. So when I added her as someone I wanted to follow on Twitter, it was similar to adding Jasmine Star to my following list. I didnt expect anything but a tiny part of itty bitty part hoped that in turn, I'd be added to her following list. I sent Carlie a little note on twitter just asking what blush she uses. Yes, it's a silly question but I love her look and my blush sucks. *Insert Jump for Joy Here* Carlie sent me a message back! And then on top of that, she added me to her followers list!
So yes, I read blogs, I get ideas from seeing other photographers work, I desperately seek out FAQ and Photographer Advise Posts...I feel like I know the photographers whose blogs I read. I would absolutely love to meet Jasmine Star and Carlie Renee...I'd love to take a workshop with Jasmine Star and second shoot with both of them. I wish I could go shopping with them, to lunch, to laugh. But until that day...if there is a day...I'm going to keep on discovering who I am and sticking to that. There's a lot out there. There's so many different influences and things I'm learning. And I'm sure I'll keep finding things that I want to do and people I want to be like. But I have an amazing husband always at my side to keep me true to myself and keep me grounded. He's the tether to my kite. And I love him.
And since it's sad to post without a's a picture I snapped of Andrew awhile back. *sigh* I miss him.
Dwell in Possibility,

Hello there!! I just wanted to say that I am in the exact same boat as you and I am so incredibly humbled that you "put it out there" for REAL!!! I just talked to Amy of Ellement Studios and became linked up to this group (AND I live in Crestview!)!! So when you see me at a luncheon you'll already know that I'm nervous and feeling like the inexperienced oddball so you can pass on the comforting words of wisdom!! haha!!!!
ReplyDeleteHey hit me up sometime!! We'll go do lunch or something!
Look forward to meeting you!
I think it's great you're being so open about your journey! I can totally relate to the newness and uncomfortability stepping out in this industry when we're surrounded by so many good photographers! Wish you many more jumps for joy!
ReplyDeleteSuch an awesome post! Isn't it great to get out and learn from others?! Best wishes! :)