Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Engagement: Mandy and James

I'm officially the worst person in the world to give directions. And I used to say that Andrew was great at it. Okay, so he's still great at it in comparison to me but based on this last engagement session, we both get an epic fail when it comes to giving directions to our clients!

Mandy contacted me via my old roommate in college. We chatted via email for awhile and set up a time to meet in person and shoot the engagement session, and get to know each other over great sushi and hibachi. The date was set, the place fixed, and the sushi calling our names! Andrew and I arrived in Pensacola eager to meet Mandy and James. A little while later, we get a phone call and THUS BEGINS THE GAME. I tried to give directions from where James was driving to where we were standing downtown. Another call. My directions were not matching up to the streets James was seeing. Fail. Andrew's turn. Another call. Andrew's directions were not matching up to the streets James was seeing. Fail. I found myself begging that Mandy and James didnt think we were horrific photographers that couldnt give directions worth a hill of beans! Another call. Andrew tried again. Fail. Finally, and I think James was tired of driving around downtown Pensacola, we decided to walk towards where James was parked. We knew the streets, we would find them instead of having them find us. Fail, Fail, Fail. 30 minutes later, yes my readers, it took 30 minutes for us to find each other! Thanks to the wonder of cell phones and an incredibly distinct red white and blue flag painted car, we found each other. I felt like I needed to get down on my hands and knees and gravel for forgiveness! But Mandy and James are awesome and totally dismissed it as a bump in the road of life. How amazing are they!

The shoot was hot; apparently the early October Floridian weather didnt get the message that it was supposed to show some resemblance of Fall. But despite the heat, Mandy and James were such a great couple to work with. Mandy was shy in front of the camera which made her all the more adorable to shoot. This has been one of my favorite shoots to edit! The colors and the life just give me a smile from ear to ear!

So, after a crazy directional challenged day, an incredibly hot shoot, and a great two hour meal over sushi and hibachi ,{in which time James and Andrew pretty much became best friends} we're in love. We love our clients. And we're so excited for Mandy and James' December wedding! It's going to be sheer joy and excitement and we just cant wait to share in the day and capture the journey.

Dwell in Possibility...


I absolutely adore Mandy's laugh!



I think this one is one of my favorites. Everything about it is just so...happy!






And because Mandy rocked some die hard shoes, they deserved a shot all to themselves.





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