Those were my thoughts as I drove to my anytime session with the Walkers. I had foolishly scheduled this session without realizing that Andrew was going to be out of town the same week. Why is this important you ask? The Walkers are a family of eleven. That's right folks, eleven!
"It's hot here..." one of the many Walker children commented. I smiled and laughed inside. I always picture Africa being much, much hotter than Florida. Apparently not. For those of you trying your best to follow my ramblings, Africa isnt some random continent I pulled up out of no where. Africa is where the Walkers call home. No, they're not from Africa, but God placed a call on their hearts. A call to operate a camp for boys in Kitwe Zambia. The call to minister to orphans and street kids in Africa came about through a catastrophe. I find it the strangest and most comforting thing that all around me are stories of God using rubble and ash to create new life and purpose. Hurricane Katrina is a popular name even if you're not a native Southerner. It's impact was nationwide...the Walkers were not an exception, expect their story is a bit different than others you hear about that had their lives changed by Katrina. A ministry called Desire Street was based in Louisiana at the time of the hurricane. And due to the destruction, they needed to relocate until things could be rebuilt. After much prayer, Desire Street Ministries came to reside at Camp Timpoochee where the Walkers lived. The Walker's involvement with Desire Street proved to be the training ground for their call in Zambia. Bob and Candace Walker, along with their slew of children...or flock....or gaggle :0) or herd if you prefer, are now full time missionaries based within the Heart of the Bride Ministry and Rocky Bayou Baptist Church. The Walkers have been a part of the Heart of the Bride Ministries since 2006 and are full time directors of the Boys Ranch for Street Kids in Kitwe Zambia.
The Walker family is back in Florida for a time, until the Spring of 2010 when they will return home to Kitwe. During their time here, Candace contacted me and told me of her desire for photos of her family she could use for prayer cards. She wanted to be able to send a card to everyone who supports their work in Zambia and ask for prayer. So, after numerous location changes due to security reasons {dont I sound all top secret, but really, who locks up a park?!} we wound up shooting at sunset at Lincolns Park in Niceville.
Meet the Walkers...all eleven of them! :0)
Dwell in Possibility...

Okay so this next image, the little boy with the finger in his mouth? Yeah, he totally took this next one. I held the camera because let's face it, I dont trust this kid to not drop my camera. But he got all quiet, looks through the little hole, tugged at my hands a bit, then pushed the button, smiled and walked away. DANG KID! I loved this picture! So Candace's head is a tiny bit chopped off but it's a great picture!

You had nothing to worry about. You know why?! CAUSE YOU ROCKED THIS OUUUTTT! :D
ReplyDeleteypu handled this group so hopefully you hand handle our group from by the time I want the photo take will be 7 months to 94 yrs of age and the group will be 4 generation and then if I can thet the crew together will be 11.