Last weekend, my mother and I braved the heat and spent the day running through Destin and Ft. Walton shopping. The mission: purchase my mom some clothes she’d feel AMAZING in. So, amidst the day of hangers, cotton fabrics, dressing rooms, and cooling off watching The Proposal I feel we were fairly successful. On the way home, we stopped off at the Wally World for a few groceries. As usual, I’m running my mouth a million miles a minute…my mom listening intently with that silly grin of “my, you can talk”. Suddenly I screech to a halt – no literally, I screeched, I squealed and slipped a bit all in one screeching motion. Apparently Wal-Mart had just moped and I failed to notice that bright yellow caution cone specifically designed for stupid people like me. But back to the reason I stopped. We don’t usually go to the Wal-Mart in Ft. Walton . I’m more of a Destin shopper – I don’t venture to Ft. Walton much. So when we walked past the aisle with all the brightly colored fish, swimming about in their individually labeled aquariums, I squealed and slipped my way into the aisle. “I’m buying a pet gosh darn it!” I declared as my mom starts to laugh at me. Do I want a fish as a pet? Not really. Do I need a fish as a pet? No. So why did I buy a fish? Andrew and I are not allowed to have pets in our apartment, except for fish…and only then if it’s in a fish bowl and not some massive aquarium holding piranhas and tropical fish. So yeah, Andrew and I would LOVE to have a dog...a Shiba Inu to be exact. A female Shiba Inu named Sushi to be exactly precise. However, until we buy a house, or rent somewhere else that allows pets, a fish it is.
So, introducing the first pet of the Olimbs! Rollback, the Beta. Okay, so we call him Rolo because despite me explaining to Andrew that I named him Rollback because I bought him at Wal-Mart and he just didnt look like a Wally, Andrew hated the name. So Rolo! And, in honor of Rolo, we ate a pack of Rolos as we watched him swim around in his little fish bowl.
Cheers to Rolo!

Dwell in Possibility...
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