Friday, November 13, 2009

Shannon and David: Engagement

"...And I think I may have you beat on Disney quotes..." One of my first emails from Shannon held this line near the end of our conversation. I yelled to Andrew from our office: "Andrew, I think I'm really going to like this girl!" And within a few more emails, the Disney battle was on.

The name of the two eels in The Little Mermaid. The name of the llama in The Emperors New Groove {not the main character, the llama hooked to the cart}. The name of Belle's father in Beauty and the Beast. The names of at least three sisters from The Little Mermaid. The name of the fox in The Fox and the Hound. The name of the snake in The Jungle Book. The names of the three fairies in Sleeping Beauty. Yes, we do battle.

Shannon and David had specific places they wanted to shoot at and once we arrived, they gave us free reign of the shoot. I arrived with half a dozen red balloons and David looked at me like I was crazy! But I think he had more fun with them than Shannon did. Together, the four of us ran through Watercolor and stayed until the sunset. The amazing couple that they are, Shannon and David insisted we stay for appetizers at Bud and Alley's with them. Which, by the way, if you've never sat on the deck with the MahiMahi Dip, Hummus, and a cold drink and watched the sun drop below the horizon, you've really got to take a trip to Seaside. It was AMAZING. During that time, we really got to know Shannon and David and who they are as a couple, their history, where they've come from. At the end of the day, we really felt like we'd become more than just their photographers. We felt like we'd become a friend.

Dwell in Possibility...









Sorry you two, but I just couldnt resist posting your "Prom Pose". I starting cracking up hysterically when I was editing. Thanks for the laugh!







  1. The one after the infamous prom pose= pure GOLD! I love it! Great job C+A, and best wishes Shannon + David! :D

  2. HAHA. Prom Pose, ohh my gosh. You know how I feel about Disney, but I like these anyway. ;) Cute.
