Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Husband

There are tons of things that you learn about yourself when your husband goes out of town. And it seems like everything imaginable becomes horribly impossible to do by yourself. You find yourself wondering "how did I ever get along before I got married?!" Little things that seem so easy when you're husband is home is suddenly HARD! Currently, there are a number of things in the house that I cannot for the life of me do on my own. The running total at the moment is:

1. Remove child protectors from the sockets - for some reason, this is beyond my capabilities to push in the little button and pull the protector out. Go figure.
2. Attach shower curtain rod - the expanse of my arm reach doesnt permit me holding and drilling this in at the same time...not to mention the fact that it's physically impossible for me to line anything up even on a wall, and I dont know which box our level is in.
3. Assemble bathroom shelving unit - um, so I'm a creative mind, not a logical one. Those silly step by step instructions might as well be Greek.
4. Mount the television - need I say anything there?

And this is only day three of Andrew being gone. I love my husband...he can definitely come home now.

Dwell in Possibility...

1 comment:

  1. Make a list of what you need help with and send it over to me. I will assemble a team and we can be there Sunday to help out. =)

