Saturday, March 6, 2010

What Happens in Vegas

I always hated that line..."what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas"...but this trip I'm giving it my own meaning: "making the most of what happens in Vegas" {yes I know, a bit corny, but give me a break, I've had a whopping total of 3.5 hours of sleep.} For those of you that really dont want to listen to me talking about my daily goings on in Vegas, stop reading the blog until Thursday. :0) For those of you who get a kick out of my ramblings, please continue.

So, as some of you may know from my Facebook and Twitter that I'm in Vegas for the WPPI Convention. First timer and all that I am, I wanted to be sure to make the most of everything. I have zero expectations coming into this, which is due in part to the fact that I didnt have time to mentally get in gear to be here. One day I wasnt going, and the next, I was booking a plane ticket, making a payment on a hotel room, and packing a bag. Being here was completely something that God had His fingerprints all over. I didnt think we had the finances to go, and then they were there. I didnt have a roommate and wasnt looking for one, and then, completely out of the blue, I got an email from a special someone asking if I'd be the third roommate. Our house closed on time, my puppy has a puppysitter, yadda yadda...and now I'm in Vegas.


Tada! My hotel. I havent really ventured out much just yet. To be honest, I'm still a tiny bit star struck at the moment by A. having an incredible roommate that I never in a million years would have imagined I would have B. a bonus roommate who is equally awesome and C. having the prospect of listening to Jasmine Star on Monday night. *insert heavenly awe sound here*

Two things are very official at the moment. I love getting to know everyone here and just taking it all in, and two, I miss my husband and my puppy...a lot.


Dwell in Possibility...