Friday, April 9, 2010

The Little Things

For anyone who knows me well, it is a well known fact that the most random of little things make me happy. For instance, today, there was a display at a local department store of china covered in this hideous poppy pattern. But, being that I cannot resist anything poppy related {thank you oh Wizard of Oz}, I squealed and immediately began trying to find a use for at least one piece of the china. "Yes mother, I know they're hideous...but com'on! They're poppies!". I left the store without a hideous poppy plate or cup. But still, I was happier because, well, they're poppies!

If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter {and if you dont, you should} you might have rolled your eyes at a post where I mentioned that I may have possibly spent extra money on something I ordered for myself just so that it would come gift wrapped. But com'on people! Who doesnt love opening up a present in the mail from your grandmother? So, hypothetically, gift wrapping a present to yourself should have some sort of the same effect, right? So when my little gift wrapped honey pot from Sur La Table arrived, it was a like a gift of happiness to me!!

And, to top of three lovely little warm and fuzzies...I've been wanting really big red juicy strawberries lately. In cereal, alone, dipped in chocolate, covered in whipped cream...I'm not picky. I just wanted strawberries. So today, in celebration of a Cassie Day {which, for those of you who dont know, Cassie Day's are a day with my mom when she calls and goes "I miss you, I need a Cassie Day" and we go out for a day of whatever} my mom bought me this huge flat of strawberries!! My fridge has a big bowl full of them now!! Happiness!


Dwell in Possibility...

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