Sunday, May 3, 2009

The weekend is over :0(

I usually love writing...I can whip up just about anything and elaborate on the dullest of sentences. Not to be tooting my own horn or anything :0) But I love to write. However, tonight...I'm kinda drawing a blank. I meant to sit here and journal on my parents and how much fun we had around Niceville last weekend. They wanted some pictures for their facebooks (and yes, my parents have facebooks!) and I wanted to cookout. However...sitting here, contemplating a nice long hot shower and going to sleep "early" is clouding my better journaling abilities.

So instead, I'll post some photos of my lovely parental units as well as pose a question to all my loyal readers. What would you like to know about me and Andrew? Send me an email at and we'll sorta do a "question and answer" type entry.

Enjoy! And I look forward to your emails and all your questions!

Dwell in Possibility,







  1. I like the truck one and the phone booth one!

    What do I want to know? Hmm. Ok, I want to know what each of you think is the dumbest TV show, past or present. And then confess the dumbest show you secretly like!

  2. Dumbest show I secretly like would be Wizards of Waverly Place. I love Disney channel. And dumbest tv show past and present....I hate Family Feud hate hate hate hate...with that Louis guy...eeeeeeeeck!
