1:57am. The red lights of the alarm clock reminded me of how insane it was that I had woken up from a great night's sleep. Andrew jolted awake, making me feel even worse about being awake. Have you ever had your body forget to breathe? Or maybe have a dream in which you had something over your face and you couldnt breathe deep enough to fill your lungs? Whatever the reason, I woke gasping for air and then coughing. Suddenly I was burning hot. Andrew was suddenly wide awake at my side trying to get me to calm down. After some water and throwing the covers off me, I relaxed. Settling back into Andrew's arms as he stroked my hair until I quieted back into sweet sleep. I love my husband. He is my lover; he is my friend.
9:47am. I stretched and slowly opened my eyes to Andrew's sleeping face. His eyes began to open and lock with mine. Eventually, we made our way out of the comfort that is our warm and fluffy Saturday morning bed. I took my place at the computer to check emails as usual as Andrew made eggs over easy. I love my husband. He is my lover; he is my friend.
We sliced a dragon fruit and a pluot and enjoyed the sun as it streamed through the windows, through the sheer curtains and onto the kitchen table. Neither of us have ever eaten a dragon fruit so we thought itd be an interesting thing to buy one and try it in all it's strangeness. So now, with my belly full of eggs, two bites of dragon fruit (because no, it doesnt taste very good) and a pluot, I'll watch my husband from the couch as he plays his favorite video game while I emerse myself in the world that is Wuthering Heights. I love my husband. He is my lover; he is my friend.
Dwell in Possibility...
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Thorne Family: The Sneak
I hate 6:15 in the morning. I loath my alarm with the very center of my core. Sure, I like the fact that I can accomplish a lot in a day but I'd much rather accomplish that same "a lot" by staying up until the wee hours of the morning. I'm a night owl. So when that alarm goes off declaring to all my horror that "sorry but you've got to get your squishy behind out of bed and go to work". I throw a fit. Well, internally at least. Andrew would tell you that I get up fine in the morning. But I know better. I know the internal argument that goes on every morning trying to squeeze as many more minutes of sleep in as possible. Cause really, this is what's going on in my head every morning... But there are a few things that help me get focused and going in the morning. One is coffee...that is, if I woke up in enough time to drink some before heading to work where I then drink some more. Second is my radio. Now, I usually flip back and forth between Kidd Kraddick in the Morning and Psalm 911 WPSM. Lately I've been having such a difficult time finding a servant like heart on my drive to work, that I tend to settle in on WPSM or my favorite Bethany Dillon CD (which HOLA! she's coming out with a new one any day now and I WILL have a post about her inspiration). But I digress.
I had the opportunity to shoot the Thorne Family a few weeks ago. Why did I talk about my mourning routine (and no, I didnt spell it wrong by accident...I MOURN leaving the warm fluffiness of the pillows and blankets)? Well, the Jessica Thorne is none other that Jessica from Wake Up with Drew and Jessica and The Mom Moment! How cool is that!? Andrew and I met up with her and her family and spent the early evening chasing around their kids and getting some great shots! It was funny, I'd never seen a picture of Jessica before so it was interesting trying to keep an eye out for her while we waited at Baytowne for them. When she did walk up to us, I'm not going to lie, my jaw dropped to the ground. SHE IS GORGEOUS! And whether or not that's strange to say, I'm going to say it. I have some gorgeous clients! I kept staring at her (which Jessica, I hope that wasnt obvious or uber creepy!) and she and her husband have some beautiful children! Jessica kept saying how she would be happy with just ONE good shot...well Jessica, I'm 100% certain we captured WAY more than you just ONE good shot!
Enjoy the sneak...cause I'm sure I'll be posting more favorites soon. But so far, these are my favorites and I just couldnt bear to leave them sitting in Lightroom any longer!
Dwell in Possibility...
I had the opportunity to shoot the Thorne Family a few weeks ago. Why did I talk about my mourning routine (and no, I didnt spell it wrong by accident...I MOURN leaving the warm fluffiness of the pillows and blankets)? Well, the Jessica Thorne is none other that Jessica from Wake Up with Drew and Jessica and The Mom Moment! How cool is that!? Andrew and I met up with her and her family and spent the early evening chasing around their kids and getting some great shots! It was funny, I'd never seen a picture of Jessica before so it was interesting trying to keep an eye out for her while we waited at Baytowne for them. When she did walk up to us, I'm not going to lie, my jaw dropped to the ground. SHE IS GORGEOUS! And whether or not that's strange to say, I'm going to say it. I have some gorgeous clients! I kept staring at her (which Jessica, I hope that wasnt obvious or uber creepy!) and she and her husband have some beautiful children! Jessica kept saying how she would be happy with just ONE good shot...well Jessica, I'm 100% certain we captured WAY more than you just ONE good shot!
Enjoy the sneak...cause I'm sure I'll be posting more favorites soon. But so far, these are my favorites and I just couldnt bear to leave them sitting in Lightroom any longer!
Dwell in Possibility...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Kasey and Garret
"Go ahead inside! I'll catch up in a minute. Oh! And guess what, my contacts came in time!" I stood in the middle of the driveway gaping at my newest bride. Her vibrant blue eyes were stunning even from halfway down the long driveway. And that's when it hit me: she was carrying her decorations for the reception?
I arrived for Kasey and Garret's big day at Garret's parents home. While the wedding took place on the beach, the reception was in the Cheatum's backyard. I watched as Kasey, my bride to be ran to and from cars trunks, tables, and sound equipment as she set up nearly every aspect of her reception. As I shot detail shots, Kasey never once slowed down. She did her own hair, make up, reception, and I pretty sure if she could have, she would have held the clouds at bay herself if the rain threatened. The only time Kasey slowed was when she met the gaze of her groom standing at the end of the beach. Well, she also slowed when the Marine's smacked her in the rear with their swords! Arent Marine weddings awesome!
Kasey, Garret - you two were one of the most amazingly relaxed couples we've ever had the pleasure of photographing. We wish you two all the best in California!
Normally, I would fill this post with all the pictures from the wedding. But since A. this post is way overdue and B. I have a limited amount of blogging time this week, I picked my favorite details photo from the wedding. HELLO! Isn't this just awesome!
Normally, I would fill this post with all the pictures from the wedding. But since A. this post is way overdue and B. I have a limited amount of blogging time this week, I picked my favorite details photo from the wedding. HELLO! Isn't this just awesome!
Dwell in Possibility...

Until Again...
I stared at the ceiling that night. I grew familiar with the lines in the ceiling as I contemplated myself in their shoes. I can honestly say that I dont think I could do it. I would struggle with the submission, the obedience...the attitude of peace. Six months. I rolled over and looked at Andrew as he lay sprawled on his back, mouth open, and his right arm randomly twitching. Could I ever release my need, my desire for my husband for 6 months if God called him away?
Hannah and Adam are familiar to our website but new to our blog. I'd asked Hannah if she and her husband would be models for us when we were first getting started with photography. We took them to Baytowne Wharf and became more familiar with our cameras, lighting, and editing processes. Now, a little less than a year later, we had a chance to put Adam and Hannah in front of our cameras once again. But this time under slightly less exuberant circumstances.
Adam has an interesting story. One that I'm sure he would gladly declare to anyone who asks. The highlight of his story: how his gracious Savior took hold of his heart and broke it to His mercy and grace and how He continues to shape it into His own every day. Now, I'd known Adam's wife Hannah since highschool but never got a chance to know Adam until more recently. I can say with 100% certainty that I have met few people in life as energetic and passionate about Jesus Christ than Adam. I love the spark that he ignites in any believer within a 10 foot radius of him. Adams works as an intern within the youth ministry at Rocky Bayou Baptist Church while completing the remainder of his time within the Reserves.
While some say that Uncle Sam called Adam to a 6 month deployment, those of us who know and trust the Lord whom Adam serves, knows that God called adam to a 6 month deployment. None of us knows why; it doesnt make sense during this time in Adams life. But we do know that God in His perfection knows Adam and Hannahs path. Adam leaves on Wednesday with Hannah on a quiet getaway just for the two of them for a few days...then Adam will deploy, holding fast to his trust in God and the promises He brings.
Until we see Adam again, Andrew and I wanted to give the two of them some photos to hold them over between letters, Skype, email, and phone calls. Come home soon Adam; you are covered in prayer. "For He will command His angels, concerning you, to guard you in all your ways."
Dwell in Possibility...
Office Life
I was never created for an office. I firmly believe that with every ounce of my being. I wasnt created for stuffy clothes, time clock watching, water cooler chatting, or data inputting. I was created for more than that. HOWEVER, at the moment, it's what I'm called to do. And for the sake of my husband and the sake of being obedient to the call Christ has put on my life for the moment, I sit in a swivel chair for 9 hours a day, dreaming of the day when I can clock out for the last time.
Some of you readers may not have much insight into this part of my life. Which is mostly likely due to the fact that I dont advertise it. I felt that if everyone knew that I'm not a 100% full time photographer, that I would be viewed as a "lesser" photographer. I also felt that if I opened up this blog to my complaints, my mental resolve, my battle to drive 30 minutes to work in the morning, that I would be offering up excuses for why my photography isnt up to the standards I have in my head.
I work a Monday through Thursday job at a desk, in an office...neatly arranged into a dark corner with a space heater. Every morning I pack my purse with fruit and fiber one bars and start the drive to work. Along the way I get this amazing view. Every morning and every evening, even if the weather is atrocious, I drive across the Mid-Bay Bridge. It's said that Destin has the most beautiful beaches in the world. Whether or not that's true, that view, seeing the mass expanse of the waters, turbulent or calm, that makes my commute worth while. While every day I long to be free of my office way of life, I fight for a mentality of contentment, drive, and passion. I cant sit here forever.
One day I will work 100% a full time photographer. One day I will wake up and begin my day with my bible study and a hard workout at the gym. One day I will email, blog, edit, outsource, and research until dinner. I'm acutely aware every day of how badly I wish that day were today. For the time being it's not, but I'm going to push as hard as I can to make that dream my reality.
I was asked the other day if I resented my husband for my having to work full time at a job that wasnt my photography dream. I was dumbfounded by the question. Why would I resent the man I love for a momentary delay in a dream. Daily I live a dream with him. Sure it's got some nightmare-ish parts on occasion but I do: I daily live out a dream with him by my side. Do I resent him for my having to work? No. Never. If my working a non-photography-dream for a time is what it takes for him to get his degree, get a job with a company he loves, and make any part of his working forever easier, (okay, not forever but seriously, guys are raised with the mindset that they're going to work to support their family until they retire...at least my guy was) then I'm okay with that.
Dwell in Possibility...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Okay, so there are occasions in life that make me squeal and jump for joy. You may recall a certain blogpost describing such a situation in Walmart I mentioned awhile back. That was nothing. Normally my joyful fits of squeals and jumps and little happy dances are far more elaborate and really, a tiny bit embarrassing. I've done them since I can remember. When I like something, or when I try on that perfect dress or an amazing pair of jeans, I do this twirl. The only way I can describe is from a scene in Finding Nemo. When the baby squid talks about how one of her tentacles is a lot smaller than the other tentacles. "but you cant really tell, especially when I twirl like this!" I twirl when I'm happy. It's what I did when my dad bought me an extremely large, nearly life sized panda bear. It's what I did when my mom made me a hideous version of Belle's golden ballgown - which by the way, I thought was the most amazing thing EVER. And it's what I did when Andrew placed my engagement ring upon my finger, when I tried on THE dress, pretty much any time I get the warm and fuzzies, I twirl. It is NOT however, what I did when I tried to stretch out a really tight pair of capris I've had since my junior year in college and BUST THE SEAM, exposing my rear end and my thigh. No, that required a much more shameful reaction. Like falling to the kitchen floor trying to decide if I was going to laugh or ball my eyes out. But back to the purpose of this blog...
If it was possible to "twirl" while seated on a bench at a dining room table, I would have twirled. Instead, I squealed, threw my hands into the air and exclaimed. "Oh yeah, I'm awesome!" Because yes, I randomly toot my own horn. The cause of this makeshift "twirl"? This awesome image I'm editing! I thought I'd wet everyone's appetite just a tad with this oh so fabulous image from my recent oh so fabulous bride!
Dwell in Possibility...
If it was possible to "twirl" while seated on a bench at a dining room table, I would have twirled. Instead, I squealed, threw my hands into the air and exclaimed. "Oh yeah, I'm awesome!" Because yes, I randomly toot my own horn. The cause of this makeshift "twirl"? This awesome image I'm editing! I thought I'd wet everyone's appetite just a tad with this oh so fabulous image from my recent oh so fabulous bride!
Dwell in Possibility...
Friday, August 7, 2009
Sam and Keith: Engagement
I literally squealed with delight when Sam agreed to let me shoot her wedding. I've know Sam since high school. I thought she was drop dead gorgeous and popular. The shy teen that I was, I didnt try to talk to her. Little did I know that she thought I was a snotty cheerleader. Yippee for me! I gave off a snotty aura. Anyways, through numerous choir trips, youth camps, and Wednesday night socials we became friends. We went to college at the same university and now, she's getting married and I have the absolute honor of shoot her wedding!
We took Keith and Sam out to Pensacola and while God held back the rain for a few hours for us, the Florida humidity remained. So, as we shared sweat together, we cranked out some awesome images from these two. And as you cannot be in Pensacola without eating the all you can eat sushi at Fuji sushi, the four of us sat for at least two hours stuffing our faces with sushi rolls. We had a blast and are extremely excited for their November wedding...hopefully with less humidity! So here are Sam and Keith and their adorable bickering unmatched love for each other that had my sides splitting in laughter and a smile that never left my face.
Dwell in Possibility...
We took Keith and Sam out to Pensacola and while God held back the rain for a few hours for us, the Florida humidity remained. So, as we shared sweat together, we cranked out some awesome images from these two. And as you cannot be in Pensacola without eating the all you can eat sushi at Fuji sushi, the four of us sat for at least two hours stuffing our faces with sushi rolls. We had a blast and are extremely excited for their November wedding...hopefully with less humidity! So here are Sam and Keith and their adorable bickering unmatched love for each other that had my sides splitting in laughter and a smile that never left my face.
Dwell in Possibility...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Sneak Peak: Sam and Keith
It's funny how a brand new computer can still test your patience! I seriously sat here this evening uploading new photos to Photobucket for this blog entry. There are new things, tweaks I cant get used to, in all the new programs on this computer. You see, the labtop I had before this was great, a little slow, but I loved it. It's programs however were very outdated. So using new ones now, such as Photoshop CS4 - which I've never had. Takes excess time I'm still having to get used to. I had eleven photos to update and brag on my newest clients. However, I saved them all in the wrong formats and had to start all over.
Andrew's sitting next to me, trying his hardest not to nudge me to realize that it's 11:30pm and he has to work tomorrow and would like to go to bed. Instead, he's waiting for me patiently, clicking around aimlessly on his computer. He graciously put in Phantom of the Opera...which is starting to lull me to sleep.
SO! Since I promised my dear bride, Samantha that I would post her photos tonight, I'm going to at least put up one. Sam and Keith, you guys were absolutely awesome to shoot! You're photos have been such a joy to edit. And I promise, I'll share them with you via blog tomorrow morning first thing! Forgive your sleep deprived photographer!
Dwell in Possibility...
Andrew's sitting next to me, trying his hardest not to nudge me to realize that it's 11:30pm and he has to work tomorrow and would like to go to bed. Instead, he's waiting for me patiently, clicking around aimlessly on his computer. He graciously put in Phantom of the Opera...which is starting to lull me to sleep.
SO! Since I promised my dear bride, Samantha that I would post her photos tonight, I'm going to at least put up one. Sam and Keith, you guys were absolutely awesome to shoot! You're photos have been such a joy to edit. And I promise, I'll share them with you via blog tomorrow morning first thing! Forgive your sleep deprived photographer!
Dwell in Possibility...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Sweet as Sugar!
Marsha, Marsha, Marsha! Our recent bride, Marsha was the sweetest thing to grace the white sandy shores of Okaloosa Island. Marsha contacted us to shoot her wedding as a referral from Erica at Pure7Studios. (Thank you guys! We hope we did the honor of your referral justice!) While she and her husband Brian were already married, they never had that perfect wedding on the beach. Enter the perfect wedding on the beach! The setting sun, two pirate ships floating along the emerald green shores offering a once in a lifetime set up for their wedding. Marsha and Brian's dads both did the honor of presenting the wedding vows. It was picture perfect and oh so sweet!
Brian, Marsha, I hope you two have a wonderful life together! We look forward to grabbing some coffee or something with you next time you're in the area. Enjoy!
Dwell in Possibility...
Brian, Marsha, I hope you two have a wonderful life together! We look forward to grabbing some coffee or something with you next time you're in the area. Enjoy!
Dwell in Possibility...
Happy Birthday To Me
So this post is long over due. For some reason I kept beginning posts and never posting them because I never posted the photos! Silly girl!
Anyways, July 28th marked my 8,036 day on this earth! My mother reminded me of that multiple times that day. And at 2pm, she reminded me that she was bearing through all the joys of a C-section until my happy little wail erupted into the hospital room. It makes me happy imagining my parents that way. My dad standing nervously near my mother's beside until the doctor urgently requested he leave and get a cup of coffee - apparently my dad looked as if he was going to faint!
Cards and presents slowly made it's way to my mailbox and doorstep. My best friend since I was 3 years old, Ms. Zarah Anne sent me our usual gift. Every year since our teens we send the same type of gift back and forth every year. Her gifts and letters are by far, one of the things on this earth that can make me smile for a very long time. I miss her. I look forward to my birthday present and letter arriving in her familiar handwriting...always arriving at least 3 days late. As is our tradition.
We would have had some pictures of the celebration, however, the fabulous photographers that we are, Andrew and I both forgot to charge the batteries on the camera...no pictures this birthday dinner! So, Happy Birthday to Me! I'm stepping further into my 20's and enjoying the walk along side my amazing husband. With him by my side, friends and family enjoying dinner at my favorite sushi restaurant...celebrating me has never been better.Until next year!
Dwell in Possibility...

Anyways, July 28th marked my 8,036 day on this earth! My mother reminded me of that multiple times that day. And at 2pm, she reminded me that she was bearing through all the joys of a C-section until my happy little wail erupted into the hospital room. It makes me happy imagining my parents that way. My dad standing nervously near my mother's beside until the doctor urgently requested he leave and get a cup of coffee - apparently my dad looked as if he was going to faint!
Cards and presents slowly made it's way to my mailbox and doorstep. My best friend since I was 3 years old, Ms. Zarah Anne sent me our usual gift. Every year since our teens we send the same type of gift back and forth every year. Her gifts and letters are by far, one of the things on this earth that can make me smile for a very long time. I miss her. I look forward to my birthday present and letter arriving in her familiar handwriting...always arriving at least 3 days late. As is our tradition.
We would have had some pictures of the celebration, however, the fabulous photographers that we are, Andrew and I both forgot to charge the batteries on the camera...no pictures this birthday dinner! So, Happy Birthday to Me! I'm stepping further into my 20's and enjoying the walk along side my amazing husband. With him by my side, friends and family enjoying dinner at my favorite sushi restaurant...celebrating me has never been better.Until next year!
Dwell in Possibility...

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