Monday, May 17, 2010


Writers's usually a nice little death sentence for writers. This thing that is the block comes and takes over your brain and you pray you can work through it. If you've noticed, I havent written much lately. I've had the occasional blog but to any outsider, I'd appear to be slacking. And to anyone who knows me well, you've noticed that what I've written isnt normal. It's missing something. It's off just a tiny bit. I've been trying to write through my writers block...I'm trying desperately not to let it hold me.

Balance. I sat down today to figure out whats causing this...I wanted to know why I cant seem to get my voice into my writing again. And I was bound and determined to make sure that I didnt post another entry that sounded like a 6th grade paper about "what I did this summer". The answer that I'm seeing now is balance. I lost the balance in my business and in my life. So here's to getting it back. I slowed down today. I took time for me. I made sure that I did the important things. And I took a look at my images through different eyes. I took a look at my blog with a different perspective. I realized that I need to put all this change on hold until I get a really good grasp of balance. Because in all honesty, trying to make change when you're unbalanced is extraordinarily difficult.

So as I re-balance my life, I do want to take a moment to share something. I couldnt sleep well last night so I stared at the ceiling thinking about my brides. I've been extraordinarily blessed by my brides. I'm sipping on some amazing coffee from one of my sweetest brides from this year. I cannot even begin to say thank you to all of you for trusting me to be there for you on your day. Thank you for embracing me. Thank you for embracing my husband, for caring about my dog. Thank you so much for loving me, for loving my images, and for being you. You guys have made my job so completely amazing and I love every one of you.


Here's a sneak from the post I'm working on at the moment featuring the lovely bride Ms Ruth who gave me this delicious coffee that I've had every day since her wedding. It's the most amazing thing ever and has made my favorite things portion of our new website {muahaha, yes, I said new - I am working on a updated version of our website - same thing, just updated!}

Dwell in Possibility...

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