Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Garland The Cowardly

Garland is a very, very, very friendly dog...almost annoyingly so. You think I'm joking but if it moves, she'll want to play with it. Squirrel, spider, trash, laser pointer, cat, small child...it moves, she'll play. I seriously doubt she's met a person she doesnt like. I find myself apologizing a lot when we have company for things like the obnoxious jumping, the face licking, the hair chewing, the talking back - yes, our dog talks back.

We have quite a bit of construction going on on the street outside our housing development and as it turns out, our dog is quite the coward. Loud bangs that not only startle but rattle the house cause her to quiver and attempt to flatten herself into the couch behind me. Oddly, our little Toto wanna be is also afraid of the guitar...who knew?


So today, while the terrible little beastie is hiding away under my desk beneath my feet and I'm listening to a quite playlist on Pandora, I'm reminded of all the relationships in my life that make me feel safe and secure. When the world around me feels intimidating or I just feel the need to hide away beneath a desk, I have comfort, safety, and security.

Dwell in Possibility...

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