Monday, January 31, 2011

Life Unexpected

Sometimes you just never know what life has in store. One moment you can be up, one moment you can be down. If there's anything that I'm starting to see trend in my life so far this year, it has definitely been control. No matter how convinced I am that I have some sort of control over my life, it's always proven false. No matter how much preparation and thought I put into something, in the end, if it wasnt on God's map for my life, it isnt going to happen. In light of coming to terms with that, I'm trying to remember to take advantage of all the moments placed in front of me. I'm trying to let go of some of the control that I'm clinging to and stop trying to figure everything out.


Dwell in Possibility...

1 comment:

  1. that wisdom will benefit you your entire life. God will either place things in our path, or move them , to get us where He wants us to be. The best "sense of control" is knowing I am not in control at all( i would hose it up), but God, the most powerful and wise of all.
