Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Feng Shui

So I tweeted the other day that I was having a hard time with the look of my office. Designing looks for an entire house proved to be a bit harder than I thought, but I'm happy with pretty much every room in the house, say for my office. I mean, it's fine, but it's just off a bit. I pretty much spend 9 hours a day in here {give or take the spontaneous day off} and I want it to be my favorite room in the house and at the moment, it's not.

So! Thus this post. I'm showing you all what my office looks like now and I'm taking ideas. Send in your inspiration boards to cassie{at}olimbphotography{dot}com and see if your office inspiration becomes my new office! Here's the thing. I want to keep it under $500. So that's your limit! And the prize for the winner? Well, I'll post that when I post the winner but it's one of my favorite things.

Let the inspiration begin!






Dwell in Possibility...


  1. Ok...first of all, tone down the yellow. Shift the color a bit more towards gold, a richer, warmer tone, a little bit deeper. Your red will still pop.

    Add a cool throw rug. Something that makes the floor happier than beige-ish carpeting. Your floor wants to be happy.

    Put a couple orchids in the window. Moth orchids will rebloom for you at least once a year.

    Pull bookcases apart and put a coordinating (but shorter) TV stand between them. It will break up the big black box on the wall.

    The paintings are cool but I'm not sure they really mesh well in this room.

    If your curtain is a plain white sheer then it's easy to add something with a bit of a design woven into it, or maybe use something that isn't quite as stark as white.

    A couple ideas for walls:
    -Cover one wall in cork board and make it a place to hang favorite photos. If you have any lying around. :)

    -Paint a big flourish on a wall, something styled like this (maybe a little bolder, even):

    -Paint your Olimb Photography watermark on your wall.

    -Make the corkboard go across the middle third or half of the wall, use black molding to frame the edges, and paint your Olimb Photography watermark over top of it in the top portion of the wall.

    Hope those ideas give you something to chew on!


  2. Very good article about Feng Shui Tips. Thank you.
