"Because it makes you happy..." that was it; your only reason. You do things like that a lot. Silly little things I want to do or spend money on. I often wonder why you always jump on board, never hesitating. I think I take it for granted sometimes, the way you see me smiling, laughing...and doing whatever you can to keep that a constant.
I know its potentially hazardous to our checkbook, but I love it. I love that you jump at the idea of shopping at Fresh Market. And this bag...this silly little expensive bag, I love that I picked it up, giddy and smiling and you just bought it for me, just like that. No questions asked, no budget in mind, no "do you really need to have a cloth shopping bag?" just picked it up and paid for it.
"Because it makes you happy..." that was it; your only reason.
I know its potentially hazardous to our checkbook, but I love it. I love that you jump at the idea of shopping at Fresh Market. And this bag...this silly little expensive bag, I love that I picked it up, giddy and smiling and you just bought it for me, just like that. No questions asked, no budget in mind, no "do you really need to have a cloth shopping bag?" just picked it up and paid for it.
"Because it makes you happy..." that was it; your only reason.

super cute!