Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Hazards of Raw Cookie Dough

We sat on the couch in the formal living room. I always thought it was a little strange that my grandparents had a formal living room and a living room. I guess it was just for when you were feeling extra formal? I dont know, I always thought it was a waste of living room furniture. But there we sat, on that stiff cream sofa, going over the plan. I told him to go through the dining room and I'd go through the living room for regular people. He giggled. Yes folks, my brother giggled like a little girl. Apparently my plan amused him. "Remember, dont get caught".

I totally knew he would get caught. In fact, I was planning on it. You see, Ryan got in trouble...a lot. Pretty much any crash you heard in our home was followed by his name. So, when in need of a decoy, he was the perfect one. I poked my head around the corner peaking into the kitchen. Her apron was smudged with flour and egg residue and she hummed to herself just a grandma's kitchen and the sound of the mixer generally meant one of two things. Cookies or a pie. Today, today was cookies...chocolate chip if the yellow bag labeled Nestle were any indication. As grandma turned away from the mixer to wash her hands, I watched as Ryan's little grubby palms reached for the spoon. I ducked back behind the corner and waited...a grandma yelling Ryan! And there it was. I ran into the kitchen completely bypassing the spoon all together. Only amateur cookie dough eaters go for the spoon. I dug both hands deep into the bowl, the sugary goodness squishing between my fingers. Success! And I ran for it.

Ryan sat back on the couch, the lingering effects of a lecture on the hazards of eating raw cookie dough on his face. I skipped in smugly, flaunting my genius. He looked up at me, his hands empty while mine were sticky and full. As I flopped onto the couch beside him, I handed him one of the mounds of cookie dough from my hand. And there we sat quietly...ignoring the hazards of eating raw cookie dough.


Dwell in Possibility...


  1. Oh my gosh, this is awesome. You perfectly painted the picture of sibling mischieviousness :)

  2. You are such a great storyteller!! Love it!
