Thursday, October 14, 2010

Our Favorite Things: Chocolate Hot Cocoa

I'm allergic to nuts. I'm pretty sure if you've followed my blog for awhile, you might have picked up on this somewhere along the line. And if you know me really well, you probably know that I actually have had more allergic reactions than I like to let on. Because really, feeling like you're dying and being all itchy and swollen isn't fun for anyone. Especially at weddings. And yes, this has happened like three times. I used to think that I was fairly cautious about what I ate but since I didn't have a life threatening reaction, I didn't think too much of it.

However...lately I'm starting to see this happening more often and I'm reacting more and more severely. And the two Benedryls that I down whenever I eat something I shouldn't isn't really cutting it anymore. So now I'm much more cautious...not really for me but because I'm tired of seeing Andrew looking at me wondering if he's gonna have to throw me over his shoulder and race me off to the hospital at a moments notice. Really internet, seeing those green eyes look at you like that, totally makes you want to grovel, plead for forgiveness and melt into a puddle of mush.

So, now that it's fall and the weather is begging for warm beverages and movie nights curled up in blankets on the couch, I was bound and determined to find hot chocolate that I could drink . I'm usually shocked by the types of foods that coconut oil sneaks into {oddly, a nut allergy includes coconut oil...I thought coconut was a fruit - who knew!} and hot chocolate is one of them...that and the best gummy bears on the planet. Yesterday I went out in search of coconut oil free hot chocolate. And I found some!!!

Thank goodness for Harry and David's. Not only are they home of the best coffee on the planet, but they know can satisfy my need for hot chocolate! And note: it's not only hot cocoa, but it's dark chocolate hot cocoa. Hear that sound? That's the sound of angel's hallelujah choir.


Dwell in Possibility...


  1. dark chocolate hot chocolate? yum! also, publix has their cupcake wine on buy one get one. thought you should know!

  2. Oooooh Alicia I love you! CUPCAKE WINE ON SALE?! Totally making a trip for that!
