Meghan and Ben are one of those quirky couples that develop a world all to their own. How do I know this? Andrew and I tend to do the same thing. We mention a line from a movie, a quip from a comedian, we share a knowing glance when someone says something that reminds us of an inside joke. And laughter...lots of laughter. Meghan and Ben share that same world: inside jokes, lines from movies, knowing glances, they've got it all! And the laughter....I'm pretty sure I got cramps from laughing so hard.

Did I mention Andrew absolutely adores this couple. Which may play in part that all their favorite movies are the exact same...and all those movies I cant stand, yeah they love them...and quoted them. All the time. I felt a little left out, but watching Andrew interact with Meghan and Ben and laughing and sharing movie quotes, totally made up for my silence.

Dwell in Possibility...
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