Thursday, July 15, 2010


I did not see that one coming...genuine surprise...shock...and I think I detect a hint of joy? Yes indeedy, I'm quite genuinely surprised.

There's this mold that I put our photography business in. Things that I wanted to photograph, things I definitely did not want to photograph. Things that I would but would prefer not to. Babies were in that category. I did not want to shoot babies. I love babies, dont get me wrong but I didnt get to get the setup for newborns...I didnt want to do the soft-boxes, the flashes, the indoor stuff. I usually shudder at indoor photos. I am not a studio photographer nor do I aspire to be one. I love shooting outdoors, playing with natural light, dodging the suns rays, trying to get them to dance perfectly into my lens and around my subjects. Yes, I did not want to shoot indoors.

However comma! {yeah, however weird that is, I always say "however comma"...something about when I was learning grammar I could never remember the comma so I just started to say it} Anyways, today I walked down the street to my lovely office assistant Megan's house. I'd been toying with the idea of a shoot with her soon to be one year old daughter just to see if I could do it. I dont know what possessed me to try but I just wanted to and Megan was all for it. I think secretly, she loves my random shoot ideas because she knows she's the gonna be the guinea pig until I master it...bonus for her right?

So, as I sit here slightly dumbfounded by the surprise that I actually enjoyed this with my gheto setup and makeshift soft box and flashes, I thought I'd give you a sneak of the incredible sweet surprise that occurred today. And once I sort it all out in my head and get over the initial shock of it all, I'll have the rest of the sugar coated goodness ready for you all in a later post.

Beware, cupcake cravings may occur...cause it took everything within me not to shove one of these into my mouth right along with her!


Dwell in Possibility...