Saturday, August 21, 2010

Our Favorite Things: OPI

I'm realizing that lately, the "favorite things" in our favorite things posts are usually all my favorite things. Such is life when I'm the one writing the blogs! Muahaha! Sorry Andrew.

The other day I went in for a mani/pedi with one of our past brides who has become more than a client, instead, a friend. Together we sat and sipped wine as we enjoyed a relaxing two hours of manicures and pedicures. During that time I decided to go a bit more adventurous! Usually, I swear by OPI Bubble Bath but this time I decided to go polar opposite. BLACK and not just black, Black Onyx to be exact. So as I glance down at my black fingernails typing feverishly over the keys, I'm still debating which is better. You decide!

Here are my OPI favorites: Second Honeymoon {the color I wore on my wedding day oddly enough} Bubble Bath {my go to color for every occasion} and my new favorite, just discovered the other day: Mimosas for Mr & Mrs.
PhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket
And the color in question, Black be a favorite or not be a favorite...that is the question! But pretty much, OPI just cant go wrong!

Dwell in Possibility...


  1. I agree, you can't go wrong with the pinks! But black is a fun color that's a little more noticeable. Sometimes a girl just wants her manicure to be noticed :) One of my favorites is the deep, deep red that looks black sometimes.

  2. hey girl I TOLD you to try it sometime =)

  3. Yeah I kinda like the black now Sarah, but only when my nails are super short. They're a little longer now and I'm feeling very Adams Family-ish!

    Gili - my new fav is TOTALLY the Mimosas for Mr & Mrs! :0)
